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I have to say before describing the Brymen BM079, the sales department are very responsive and aware to provide a good service before selling parts, and I like Welectron because they sell goodies not just tools. Welectron are transparent and professional, after I had paid and placed my order I emailed them to change items in the order, they were very welcoming, fast responsive, adjusting the bill with no complications. I am an HVAC Technician in Canada, I bought a Brymen multimeter from Ebay in the past and I am in love with it, super versatile and reliable meters from Brymen and rigid in harsh outdoor temperatures and conditions. Since Amazon and the north American market dont have Brymen tools, I found Welectron on internet, and they own a wide variety of Brymen tools. In 4 work days I received my order, unboxed the BM079, it is a rugged meter, small enough to fit in bunch of cables in an electrical furnace, comes with a good quality K type probe, 3 good quality test leads and 3 alligators and a red sexy pouch. I will try the meter for a couple months and give my feed back Antoine S., 20.03.2021
I have to say before describing the Brymen BM079, the sales department are very responsive and aware to provide a good service before selling parts, and I like Welectron because they sell goodies not just tools. Welectron are transparent and professional, after I had paid and placed my order I emailed them to change items in the order, they were very welcoming, fast responsive, adjusting the bill with no complications. I am an HVAC Technician in Canada, I bought a Brymen multimeter from Ebay in the past and I am in love with it, super versatile and reliable meters from Brymen and rigid in harsh outdoor temperatures and conditions. Since Amazon and the north American market dont have Brymen tools, I found Welectron on internet, and they own a wide variety of Brymen tools. In 4 work days I received my order, unboxed the BM079, it is a rugged meter, small enough to fit in bunch of cables in an electrical furnace, comes with a good quality K type probe, 3 good quality test leads and 3 alligators and a red sexy pouch. I will try the meter for a couple months and give my feed back