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Probe Clips, Probe Tip Cover, CATIII Probe Tip Sheaths, Internal and External Fuse Covers, Compatible with Pokit Pro
NTC Temperature Probe, Banana adapter clips, Compatible with Pokit Pro
Spare Fuses, Fuse Covers, Wire Grip Probes, Compatible with Pokit Meter
10A Fuse, 500mA Fuse (x2), Compatible with Pokit Pro
Adaptor to Fit BNC, Adaptor to Fit Banana Plugs, Alligator Clips Adaptor, Compatible with Pokit Pro
Carry all your Pokit gear in one case
All-in-one device, Portable Multimeter, Oscilloscope, Data Logger, Bluetooth, LED flash
Portable Multimeter, Oscilloscope, Data Logger, Bluetooth, CAT III, 600V, 10A, Multichannel (up to 4 devices), Suitable for mains voltage home DIY and field tech, Rechargeable battery (USB-C)
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