Do you not have enough IO (Input/Output) pins and want to have more? Then we have the GPIO Expander MCP23017 for you! It uses I2C communication, adding 16 new, fully configurable pins to any microcontroller with just two wires.
You can change the I2C address of the device using the jumper on the board. This allows up to eight breakout boards to be connected to the microcontroller. All pins on the board have pull-up resistors for expansion, which can be toggled on and off.
Dimensions: 38 mm x 22 mm
Typical Current Consumption: 1 mA
Standby Current Consumption: 1 µA
Logic Voltage: 5V
Operating Voltage: 1.8V to 5.5V
Communication: I2C (Address: 0x27)
Connections: easyC x2
Mounting Holes: 2